This is how we do it:

brand engineering

strategy is a creative act

Consumers can tell you how they feel. 

But not always what they want or what moves them. If they could, there’d be nothing left to create in the world. Yes, strategy should be

rooted in a rigorous use of facts and insight, but to be distinctive – by definition – it must

ultimately be a creative act.

Persuasion depends on relevance

And relevance depends on cultural awareness. 

It’s why we spend so much time looking at what people really do. That’s part of what you pay for at GWP.Strategy can’t happen based solely on truths about your brand and your product; those have to be alloyed with truths about the media environment people live in before they can become ideas. 

That’s half of it.

The other half of it

advertising is now consumed as culture, even

as entertainment. Too many advertising people, though, believe that an entertaining ad is, per force, a persuasive one. We know better. Just because they point and laugh doesn’t mean they’ve been persuaded.

Breakthrough creative is easy

Anyone can make an ad so funny or shocking that people talk about it the next day. But did it make people want to believe in you and do business with you? Did they even know who ‘you’ was? Did it win trust and affection for your brand? Will its effect last?

your brand is such a character

We create advertising the way you might write for a beloved character in your favourite show: with respect for its history, an understanding of its character, and an intent not only to entertain and inspire, but to actually build goodwill for future episodes.